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"My investors love the theme song you wrote for my game! It makes the project more trustworthy. They are more confident of the potential of the project now. Makes me pressured to deliver a game experience worthy of your music!"

Giovanni Céleste, Founder, Dodarassik Games

Title Theme for An Eco-Spiritual Pirate Adventure 

I met Giovanni at GDC in March of 2022. He had come all the way from Reunion Island (a French territory out past Madagascar) to meet collaborators on a game he was building for a French government game grant.


Our shared passion about environmental issues as well as our mutual love of anime made us fast friends. Using the concept art below as a reference, Giovanni ended up commissioning me to do the title theme for the demo of his game. He wanted something that very much referenced the music found in anime, as the inspirations for the game are essentially a mix of One Piece and Princess Mononoke.


One morning, he asked me to speedrun a round of comments we had on the track so that he could show the grant board the newest draft of the song in the meeting. When I heard from him that my music directly made the investors more confident in the potential of the project, it felt SO great to know that my music tangibly impacted the success of the game.


I'll be sure to share when the demo of the game is available to play, and if the game ends up getting production funded (fingers crossed!), I'll be writing the score for the entire thing!

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